Monday, June 1, 2009

The Plan

I said I wanted to know the plan, treatment plan that is, well I now know more than I really probably want to know. I met with my oncologist this morning. He went through all the details of what kind of cancer I have/had, to explain what he suggested we do now. I will have 2 different rounds of chemo. The first will contain 2 drugs and from what I gather have greater potential for side effects than the 2nd round. It will come in 4 sessions each of which are 3 weeks apart for a total of 12 weeks (round 1) then I get a month break, and then round 2. Round 2 consist of 1 drug whose side effects are not as bad and radiation will be done at the same time. This round of chemo is done once a week for 12 weeks and radiation is done 5 days a week for several of those weeks (not sure how many). This morning was an information overload so some of the above information is likely to be changed, but this is what I remember. I will have a bone scan, CT and chest x-ray next week and in the next couple of weeks they will also put in a port which will make receiving the chemo much easier.
I don't think I realized how long all of this would take-I think I was expecting 3 or 4 months not 6 or 7, but oh well. I feel very comfortable with the people I met this morning and what I am being advised to do. Treatments should start in a couple of weeks or so--I have decided that the sooner I start the sooner I will be done.


  1. Leigh,

    I just wanted you to know that I am still thinking of you and praying for you every day. I will continue to pray as you begin your treatment.

    Glad that you are getting the port. I wish my mom would have had one. It sure would have made things easier.

    Keep hanging in there.


  2. It really was great seeing you Sunday.
