Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gearing Up!

Well, I am getting ready to go at it again! I should be able to start my reconstruction at the end of July. This comes only after going round and round with my doctors office. Once they realized I was talking to my insurance company and they couldn't blame it on "waiting on insurance" things are moving. I just want to get this started so it can be OVER!!!! I really don't think many people in the medical field understand this concept. I am tired of the daily reminders of all I had to endure last year, I want to put myself back together and move on!!!! The surgery has pros and cons. Pros like new boobs, a tummy tuck and cons like 2-3 days in a hospital (yuck), 2-3 weeks down time (I don't do down well) and I can't forget quite a bit of pain from what I've heard. So yes I am excited to get started and dreading it all at the same time.
On the bright side, I am so totally enjoying my summer! M is playing a ton of softball, I have gotten to play a few times myself (that will prove your age to you) and working like there is no tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer is Here

Summer means one thing in my house--we are never home!! There is always something: softball (mine or M's), church activities, sport camps, throw in a little work and some family time and yes we are never home. This is my favorite time of year and I have really gotten to enjoy this one. Two summers ago I had back surgery and last year, well we all know how my last summer was, so this has been a wonderful change.
My last post, I was still a little traumatized. But round two with the plastics man is next week and I think I am a little more prepared for what he wants to do. I have talked to several people and doctors all of whom were not surprised with the "plan" and actually said that was good. So now I just need to figure out the timing!