Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Inspiration

Ok maybe the title of this post is a little over stated, but I finally found a breast cancer awareness T-shirt that I found funny and not annoying (actually my friend found it) it says "Save Second Base". Now with that being said I need to explain. In the stage of dealing with finding out about my cancer that I am in (anger), everything hacks me off. Mostly because I can't seem to escape for just a few minutes what I am up against. So over the last several weeks, I have developed a dislike for the color pink. Not because I am not 100% in favor of finding a cure for this-because believe me no one should ever have to go through this, but because everywhere I look I am reminded that this is what my life will be about for the next several months. So when people have ask about pink ribbons for this that or the other, I just politely say no thanks and go on. But I honestly could see myself in this shirt, not just because it is bringing awareness to a hell that so many women have to go through but it has a little humor, a little sarcasm and some personality to it--and for those of you that know me, know its a me shirt!! Yes I would be selective where I might wear the shirt, its more of a around the house deal. I wouldn't want to influence any small children in the wrong way or offend someone-but sometimes you just need a laugh. And this makes me laugh!!


  1. Leigh, That shirt fits your personality to a T!Thinking of you!
    Carol V.

  2. Leigh,
    That is so funny that you said that. Heather and I just ordered you, maybe the same shirt. Last year at work we had shirts made up for breast cancer awareness and on the front the shirt says "Fighting the war in Myraq. And on the back it says "Operation save second base". So...I am glad to know it lightened your spirit because you will be getting another one soon.
