Friday, June 21, 2013

Look What I Found

I was going through an old computer the other day and ran across this blog link in my favorites. I couldn't remember the last time I had used it. I stopped writing when I was able to deal with the hurt, anger and pure frustration of cancer without needing to scream on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, I still feel the need to scream, I totally get frustrated (especially when I look in the mirror) and anger well that comes and goes-but less than it use to, but today I felt the need to write not for myself but for those who might read this and are still in the stages of needing to scream daily, maybe they are pissed at the world for the situation they are in and frustrated with every step of the healing process. It does get better, it becomes more easily accepted and the anger subsides. Me telling anyone this does not lesson the pain they feel now but maybe it gives a hope of it won't last forever.