Monday, July 26, 2010

10 Days and Counting

I have 10 days until my first surgery in the reconstruction process. I haven't decided whether to be excited or nervous to the point of throwing up. No seriously, I am totally excited about starting the process, I am nervous regarding how I am going to feel, how painful it is going to be and how long it will take be to get up and around. I don't do "down" well. I am excited to get this process underway. In my mind it is the beginning of the end. The end of treating/dealing/waking up with reminders of cancer. I know that I will still have scars: emotional scars, physical scars and even some spiritual scars, but knowing that I am as put back together as I can be, will let those scars be positive reminders of my journey. They will teach me more compassion for others, to be cautious with my words, to love unconditionally and to always look for ways to help others. I am ready to have my life back. I am ready to live each day with a new sense of purpose. I am ready to just be "Leigh", not "Leigh that's been through cancer".