Friday, May 1, 2009


All I feel like I am doing is waiting. Waiting for surgery, waiting to see just how bad this deal really is, waiting to see if there will be more treatment after surgery (and what kind). Its not a panicked wait it is more an annoying wait. I just want to get on with it, lets get this figured out, make a plan and get started!! I explained, in 10 year old terms, about my surgery to M. I explained it in a way that hopefully was not scary, but more light-hearted. I want to be upfront with her as far as when I come home from surgery she isn't shocked that she has bigger boobs than I do. Hopefully not for an extended amount of time, either!! I want her to have an idea of what is coming, but not feel the fear and anxiety about all of this. She is handling things very well, she is a smart little girl, I don't think I give her enough credit--its just the mother wanting to protect her baby. Thank goodness for softball-we have a tournament in Clarksville this weekend that should more than keep my mind occupied. I love every minute I spend watching her play and hopefully won't have to miss to much of it after surgery. I can't believe how fast she is growing up-but she is totally the reason I don't mind waiting!


  1. We'll be in Clarksville also!

  2. Praying for you still, friend!

  3. You know we are praying for you, Leigh.

  4. Hey, Leigh,
    I was trying to help Ann Hearn from church figure out how to post you a comment on your blog. She's working on it. But that is the reason for the just "Hi" post.
    i enjoy your blog.
