Monday, May 4, 2009

Way too much to do!

So I decided I was going to make a list of all the things that I needed to get done before surgery. (And I hate lists) For one it is a reminder that I have not been keeping up with things around the house and secondly, lists just totally overwhelms me-its like there is no end to what needs done. Sure you get to mark things off the list, but I always seem to think of 2 more things to put on that same list. Anyway, I decided to start working on that list since softball was a wash this weekend. 7 loads of laundry-the typical clothes and bedding and misc stuff that just stays in the laundry basket. I felt good until I realized that it will all have to be redone next weekend and truthfully I will be doing laundry the night before surgery. I started cleaning house and came to the same realization I did about the laundry. It is a never ending cycle!! So yesterday, the only housework I did was to ask my husband to start the dishwasher. I don't mind that kind of work.
I have just come to the conclusion that there is a lot to do and not a ton of time to do it in, but I will just finish what I can and know that its not the end of the world if the list isn't completed.


  1. Leigh! More to life than a clean house!
    I learned that years ago - family first.
    I'm praying for you and your family!
    Lots of love!!!
    Donna R

  2. Leigh,
    Don't sweat the small stuff! Everything that needs to get done will get done. Take some time for yourself. Gather up some good reading material or set your DVR for your favorite shows. Make your bed up nice and cozy so that you will be comfortable when you get home.

    I am thinking of you every day and praying that God will comfort you and help you rest.


  3. Leigh, You have forever to clean! I agree with Tara, take some time for you and get everything ready to take a mini vacation! Madison Payne is a wonderful young lady. She is just taking all of this so well. I know that probably helps you so much. You are such a brave woman and mom! My prayers are with you Leigh. Fred says hi and she prays for you everyday! We'll see you tomorrow if it stops raining! Codi

  4. Leigh
    I've only gotten to know you on a more personal basis just since Celia started playing ball with the Stars. I always saw you at the ballfields and I have always had admiration for you because you seemed to be the person that never gave up and didn't stop until you got what you wanted. Now I see what was behind you all of those times. It was the power of God beaming through you giving you strength and power. You have a smile on your face that is uplifting. You are blessing to so many people and those so many people are praying for you.... and when two or three shall come together and ask in My Name, it shall be done!

    God is with you and your are Blessed!
    Sheila Sevenstar-Horn
