Friday, April 24, 2009

Sleep On It

After a decent night sleep, I woke up and realized what I had decided to do. I panicked just a little. What will it be like? What will I look like? Just exactly how painful is this whole deal going to be? I have to have one side done, but now I have opted to have them both done at the same time. Am I nuts, is it going to be too much? Then I realize it may be a lot to wrap my head around right now, but it still is the best decision for me. (I hope) I just keep trusting in God, that he has given me doctors that know what they are talking about, friends and family that are supporting me through all of this and peace that I am doing what HE wants me to do.


  1. Leigh,
    Sweetheart-remember there is whole reason behind this that we still don't comprehend yet. But, as long as we all trust God he will do wonders for you. We will pray for the questions that you have asked yourself, but just keep remembering he is in control. You have a lot of people supporting you. And No, you are not nuts. You said God gave you peace about your decision, well then, he will grant your decision with a blessing. Keep trusting!! Love you girlfriend, LaNell

  2. Leigh,
    There is no doubt in my mind that God has told you what decision to make. Don't let the devil make you question yourself. Our home group is praying for you (and of course your Dad and I) You are such a courageous woman.
    Love you,

  3. Leigh, You have had to think about and consider so much in a very short time. Your decision, I completely understand and would feel the same way. I know someone who has had the same procedure and she came through it all wonderfully, as I know you will too. Lori
