Tuesday, December 29, 2009

First Post Treatment Check Up

Today I went for my first check up, post treatment. I had to go to the regular lab to get my blood drawn since they took my port out last week when they did my hysterectomy. It was strange to go into a place that I have been going to for 6 months and have to ask "where is the lab" one would think I should know. My blood counts came back good or at least like they are suppose to, the doc said it is time to go back to being "normal". Once I am cleared to lift and such I can start exercising more and building strength back especially in my arm that have become so weak. My doc also said that I can play softball this year!!! That is like telling me I am healed. I have missed playing so much and to be told I can play again is such a boost for the spirit!! I don't have to go back to the oncologist for 2 months. So for now it is back normal life!


  1. YEA!!!! So happy for you, Leah!!

  2. Great News!!! I know you have been waiting for that one. Love you!!

  3. Congratulations! 2010 is going to be a great year:)

