Monday, June 22, 2009

Zero Energy

I wish I could explain the Thursday and Friday of last week. I went from feeling pretty ok to being totally wiped out in the blink of an eye. I got up Thursday and went to the doctor for an injection. When I came home I laid down to take a nap and ended up sleeping--off and on until Saturday morning. (mostly on) I have never been so tired that for a couple of days I couldn't hold my eyes open long enough to walk to the kitchen for a drink. I believe that is the day when my blood counts hit bottom. It is the strangest feeling for things to change that quickly. And then I woke up in Cabot Saturday morning like a whole new person. It was noticeable to everyone. Friends came up to me and told me that they could see it in my eyes that I had more energy and felt better. I hung out at the ball field on Saturday and it wasn't too bad-it was hotter than hot but I stayed in the shade(like I was told to), drank plenty of fluids and was just careful. I still have the wonderful side effect of the headache, I am beginning to think that I might have this one for the majority of the next 6 months. But trust me I will take a headache over nausea any day!!! On Sunday we went to church--it was so good. Our children's pastor spoke and told the stories of his children and how they entered their world, both stories bring tears to my eyes. Just knowing that our God uses so many different kinds of situations for His purpose and plan. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my struggle, my feelings, and my situation, that I forget this so isn't about me. The song from yesterday talked about sitting with Jesus and just laying back on his chest and feeling the heartbeat of God. That is what I want from all of this. I want to feel the heartbeat of God and know that I have done everything He wanted from me.


  1. thanks for the update! I was just talking to April in the bedbabies Sunday, and she was saying she remembered feeling SO tired. I'm thankful you aren't nauseous (I'm with you on that- most anything is better than throwing up!!!).

  2. Thank you for keeping up this blog. This way I can stay posted on what is happening with you without bugging you on the phone.

    I talked to M Sunday.

    MiMi PJ
