Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Fab Five

Last night I was lucky enough to spend the evening with my "fab five". My "fab five" is a group of 5 amazing women that I have been friends with for various amounts of time. Some since grade school, others in high school and college, but the bond remains no matter how old we get. We may not talk on the phone every day, but at a moments notice I could call any or all of the five and they would be at my door-no questions asked. It always amazes me how these 5 personalities blend so well together, we have a couple conservative ones, the single one, and a couple more rowdy types. Yet no matter what is said during our get togethers, we all know that when we wake up in the morning that we all still love and need the group just the way it is. Last night we were missing one of my 5-hope Vegas was good to you T!! By the way I don't think we trash talked you at all. Let me explain the rules of the "girls nite". If you don't show up for whatever reason, you are what we call fair game. We can talk about you at length and there is nothing you can do about it. This rule is used as an insurance feature to make sure that most of the time we will all show up for the evening. Last night we talked about what all is going on with me and what the short term future holds. We talked, laughed and cried (thanks JH for starting that). They kept saying how strong I am and how they could not be like that if this was happening to them. What my "fab 5" doesn't understand is that I am not strong for them, I am strong because of them. Because I know that they believe that God is in control and even though we might not like the path he takes us on, all of us know in our hearts that this isn't about me or our group, it is about Him. Thanks girls for being my "Fab Five"!!


  1. LOL I love this.... and we love you! You just brought tears to my eyes! Good luck tomorrow, you will be in my heart as always...

  2. You are awesome, Leigh, and we could't be FAB without you!!!!! You are the bomb diggety!!!
