Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What a Mood

The title says it all. My mood has been all over the place lately. Most of the time I can control whatever mood strikes. I can smile when I don't want to, I can say "I'm fine" when in fact I am about to go postal over nothing-at least most of the time. And yes, alot of the time I am in a pretty good mood considering all that is going on. Yesterday however, was not one of those managed mood days. I was totally hacked off yesterday and most everyone who was around me, talked to me or had any type of contact with me--knew it. I had let my guard down and really let myself think and talk about what is going on and it took all day yesterday to recover from that. With that being said, I do feel better today and have a better perspective of how this is changing my life. I know that God created me, all of me, like he wanted, knowing full well that this would happen and that I would deal with it in a wide range of emotions. I wasn't prepared for the roller coaster ride of emotions, it has taken me a little by surprise. But a good friend and I decided last night that "one day at a time" was the only option we have of dealing with "Rain". We don't control the when, where and how and worrying about it won't change it either. We rest in knowing that we serve a mighty God, who thankfully is in control.


  1. I agree with Michelle!
    Donna R

  2. God is in control. Leigh you are one of the strongest womean I know. I know you are going through alot right now. God has plans for you! You will be victorious over this "rain". Praying for you!!
    Love ya Sis!
    Carol V
