Friday, July 17, 2009

Nothin' Much

I can happily say there isn't much going on. My weekly goal is for my blood counts to come back at levels that are in range for the week-mission accomplished this week. I have had a pretty normal week this week, which consisted of work, running the kid around, and more work. It may seem weird to some, but now I cherish normal days. I never really thought about it before, I usually complained about working late or running all over town with errands and kid stuff. These days I welcome errands, work and normal time with the family. It is so good to feel like doing all those things instead of being tired and run down. If you take anything away from reading this today-let it be to cherish each day and all that comes with it (big or small) you never know what God has planned.


  1. I read a quote today that may help....."When you reach the end of your touch the hem of His garment." I will continue to pray for your strength and peace of mind. Love you!

  2. good words of wisdom...and one I needed to learn (or be reminded of) today. Thanks!

  3. Leigh,
    I just went through and read all of your posts. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. It is apparant that God is already using this "journey" for good by the lives that you are impacting through your blog (and I am sure your life!) Be encouraged today...
    Joanna (Bennett) Majka
