Thursday, October 8, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel

I can somewhat see a light at the end of this tunnel--the treatment tunnel that is. I know there is still a long road ahead, but this phase is drawing to an end and I am ever so thankful!! I am so sick and tired of going to a medical appointment 6 times a week, I love the people but hate the reason!! I have noticed lately that I am beyond moody. I think this round of chemo is affecting my hormone level (or lack there of) more than the last. It has not been pretty. I don't know but by the grace of God why my husband and child come home every night. It is an honest to goodness internal battle with myself to watch my tongue and not take out all my frustrations on the people I love most. I can be sweet as sugar to a perfect stranger, but if you live in my house and looked at me cross eyed, you may be taking your life into your own hands. I hate that feeling, it is not me, it is not who I was raised to be and not how I want to act, but this has become my daily battle. I hate thinking I am setting this kind of example for my kid, she deserves better from me. I want to be real for her, I don't pretend this journey is easy, I want her to know and understand that life is work and it doesn't always go our way but there is a greater purpose for each of us. I want her to see that God is in control-not the estrogen level or lack thereof! So keep me in your prayers that I bite my tongue when needed and apologize to ones I hurt when I don't.


  1. Only by the Grace of God will you get through the no hormones without any blood on your hands. Lol!! But you will. Just take each day one day at a time. Remember God will not put on you more than you can handle. Praying for you every day.
    Love ya

  2. Leigh - Ask them to give you something for your hormones..I didn't and have something now and love it!!! You don't have to suffer like this - they have the meds to help you. Love you - praying for you!!! aunt kathy jo

  3. Your gonna make it girl. You just need a Girl's Night with your peeps!!!!
