Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Same Story Different Day

I feel like I post the same thing just on different days. I had blood work Tuesday morning and it all came back good. I was able to talk to one of the nurses about the nausea vs headache. I can't decide which is worse. I have had a headache for a couple of days now but nothing that isn't manageable. The nausea on the other hand is just wrong!! I think alot of it is visual, meaning it feels alot like motion sickness (which I have never had). But it is constant. I can't look at my computer, watch certain things on tv, even riding in the car makes me feel like crap!!! The nurse is going to talk to the doctor and maybe try another drug for my next treatment (the last of this kind). I honestly feel like I am 35 going on 105. It makes me dread treatment so much more than normal-not knowing how I will react and what side effect will rear its ugly head. I am trying to keep up the attitude of just one more of these and then on to something else, but it is starting to wear me out!!! I am however totally amazed at how much support I have received over the last several months. I have seen how people genuinely care and want me to know that they care and how uplifting that has been.

1 comment:

  1. Leigh, you will get through this, I promise you. You are one of the strongest women I know. I know its rough on you, I just want you to know how much I stand in awe of how well you have handled what has been handed to you. You are my sissy and I love you!!!! Praying for you constantly!!
    Carol V.
