Wednesday, April 22, 2009

From the beginning

I don't know where exactly to start. First the basics, I was diagnosed April 14th with invasive ductal carcinoma (big word meaning breast cancer)...what I will refer to as "The Rain". Why I call it the rain, is there is a song that we sing at our church that says Jesus bring the rain...bring me anything that brings HIM glory. That song "Bring the Rain" by Mercy Me has always scared me to death. What will my rain be, what will I do when it comes?? Now that I know what my rain is, comes the what will I do with it. Technically, this is what has happened and where I am headed-- I have had a mammogram, ultrasound, needle biopsy and a MRI. All those have confirmed the cancer. Yesterday, I had a MRI guided biopsy on the other side because of suspicious looking images that showed up on my first MRI. There is a chance that it could be in both breasts just in different stages. With all of that being said, the more than likely outcome will be a double mastectomy and then reconstruction. I meet with my doctor tomorrow to talk about surgery (what kind and how much). I will know much more after that appointment. Like I have said from the beginning, they can have the old ones and just put pretty new ones in their place, I am totally ok with that. I would say that, if I have to go through all this then there should definitely be a light at the end of the tunnel, and my light is a new, younger looking chest!


  1. God is in control. Love you and if you need anything please call me ok? Love ya Sis Carol

  2. Leigh,

    God is in control of the universe. I am so thankful for that, because I do not want the responsibility.

    He will never leave you nor forsake you.


  3. Leigh, You and your family are in our prayers. I feel as though my daughter is blessed to have you for her softball coach and a part of her life. God will take care of you! Thanks for all you do! Codi

  4. Leigh,
    We have not known eachother for a long period of time, but I feel that in that short period of time we have developed a special friendship. I love you dearly, and I just want you to know that my family and myself are praying for you. We are blessed to have someone like you in our lives. You are such an inspiration to us. God will take care of everything. He has a plan for you. If you ever need anything please do not hesitate to tell me. I'm there for you sister!!
    Love you,

  5. Leigh,

    Every day is a new day, so make the most of it. All the Paynes are pulling for you, which means we are praying for you and keeping up with your journey.


  6. Leigh,

    You have been here for me the last couple of years and now it's my time to repay you. Leigh you mean the world to me and Bug and we are all praying for you and your family. If there is anything that I can do for you guys you call me anytime day or night. Sister you are an inspiration to us all. KEEP THE FAITH!!!!!!!

    Love you,

  7. Leigh, As I told you at the game Sat. I have to keep up with you everyday! Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers today! I'm so proud of our stars! They worked hard! Have a blessed day tomorrow! See you at practice! Codi
